Worksuite Ideas

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Upload more than 1 file per invoice
Feature request
I have contractors who need to upload multiple receipts, but currently they can only upload one file per invoice.
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Add reason when rejecting a milestone
Feature request
When rejecting a milestone, it would be great to be able to add feedback as to why it's being rejected versus needing to reject it and then sending a message to the talent.
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Edit payment after scheduling/processing
Feature request
I need a way to edit payments after they have been processed. Many times they are processed without being attached to the correct project and/or task due to user error, which makes our reporting...
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Include Project and Managers in Payments view
Feature request
I would like to see the project name on the payments screen. It would also be nice to see who the managers on the task are as well.
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Move Task to different project
Feature request
I would like the ability to move a task to a different project before or after payment.
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Add Talent Name in Task Update Email
Feature request
We would like to see the person's name in this Email so that the Task Manager knows who the task is associated with without logging in.
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Project Comparison
Feature request
It would be great if the comparison was able to be exported to excel. This would allow the User to easily sort by filters
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Archive Workflows
Feature request
Under review
It would be very helpful to be able to archive old workflows or create a way to make them not visible for use, without deleting them. We currently have many inactive workflows that we would like to...
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Freelancer feedback questionaire
Feature request
Under review
There is currently an option for us to rate freelancers once they have completed a job with us but it would be great if it also worked the other way, once the freelancer completes a job with us they...
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Feature request
Under review
The TeamBoard is our teams favorite feature, it eliminates extra emailing and confusion by allowing all conversation and discussion to occur within the request. My suggestion here is to have just one...
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